The times they are a'changing.
The school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, brings the tally of victims of mass shooters to around thirty for the week, slain by two young men who, at the age of 18, were unable to buy beer but somehow managed to end up with assault weapons. There is only one conclusion to be drawn. America is not psychotic, it is becoming a psychosis.
The Second Amendment argument is not helped by the fact that this piece of legislation was written in a time of muskets and rifles, not automatic weapons. The right to bear arms has become the ability to massacre innocents in schools. One has to consider adapting this legislative instrument.
On the other hand, dictatorships always begin by disarming the people, and the Biden administration - in which Biden himself is just a marionette operated by darker forces - is beginning to shape up as precisely that.
The first thing Biden did was to politicize this slaughter. Shamelessly invoking God, he did his raging old man act and turned the whole incident into a party political broadcast against the gun lobby. There is every reason to be cynical about this. Americans are, I suspect, aware of the fact that their government just earmarked $40 billion to protect Ukrainians, but are unable to offer the same service to elementary school children and innocent shoppers.
A gun culture does not automatically lead to this kind of chaos. Every Swiss householder is obliged to own a rifle in case they are called up as a reservist army. But I don't recall many mass shootings in Swiss schools. America is quite simply a violent country, and guns in the mix exacerbate this.
There is a level of hypocrisy one has come to expect from the media. People are gunned down in Chicago, St. Louis, Baltimore and dozens of other cities every day, but nothing is heard about the NRA in these cases. One hesitates to mention this, but the question of ethnicity is not ungermane.
The week's first shooter was a white male, and so the mantra of white supremacy was immediately begun, despite the shooter being registered as mentally ill - and even having spent time in a mental hospital. The Texas shooter was named Salvador Ramos, and there has been no mention, for example, of La Raza, the demonstrably racist Latin supremacist movement. As for the victims of inner-city shooters, both they and the perps have a tendency to be black. Again, this does not interest the MSM.
It is unfortunate to have to focus on race, but the Left will not stop doing precisely that, so it cannot be no-man's land for the political Right. The American Left are desperate for another white shooter because the idea of 'white supremacy' is essential to their anarcho-tyrannical aims to bring down white America. One hates to sound like some kind of Klan member, but it can scarcely be denied that the war on whiteness is very real.
The school which was the scene of the shooting in Texas has a word on its entrance sign - Bienvenidos. There is something immensely tragic about immigrants arriving in the land of the free and their children being cut to pieces by one of their own, identity politics and group cohesion and solidarity being another shibboleth of the Left.
It is famously said that if you criminalize guns then only criminals will have guns. But the notion that background checks and profiling will still allow mentally ill people to buy them is somehow worse. If one was to have Tweeted something critical of race or gender ten years ago, you know that a potential employer will find you out and you won't be getting the job. So can the authorities not detect those who should not be in charge of weaponry?
America has to do something to protect its citizens from mentally ill people with powerful weapons. It might be well advised begin by looking at its own mental illness.
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