Tuesday, 28 June 2022

Apocalypse soon?

How far are we from dustbowl 2.0?

One thing you can rely on concerning government is that if there is a complete financial breakdown coming, they will not tell you until the very last minute. They will then spend time explaining how it was everyone's fault but theirs. Then, when the inevitable societal breakdown comes, they will fail to police the inner cities, leaving those inside to fend for themselves like some science-fiction movie. It is said that we are only ever ten days away from anarchy.

And unless the signs are misleading, there is a complete financial breakdown coming. And this is not 1929. The economies of the West are phenomenally more complex than they were just before the dustbowl, and the fractures and fissures will be correspondingly more serious.

This eventuality is why the American government is trying to sideline the Second Amendment and take away the guns of honest Americans. The last thing the deep state wants during a crisis of this magnitude is a well-armed militia, as detailed in the Second Amendment. It wants an unarmed, compliant population of serfs happy to eat bugs and powerless to do anything about power outages, gasoline shortages, and gangs. They can't have the public trying to defend itself.

If it does become a question of the survival of the fittest (in the physical not the Darwinian sense), then we will see the advantage that has accrued to the preppers, the civilian militia, the backwoodsmen, the hewers and drawers of water. In an urban hellscape in which you have to fight your way to what is left of the store, a graphic designer is going to fare less well than a Proud Boy.

And when bartering begins, those who have stocked up will effectively have savings. It is time to be like the ant in Aesop's tale, who toiled away during the summer months and had provision for winter, and not the grasshopper, who spent summer playing his music in the glorious sunshine, and when the winter came had nothing.

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