Thursday, 23 June 2022

Business principles v free speech


The master of business principles

Elon Musk's offer to buy Twitter seems to be going through the form. Musk is obviously a consummate businessman, and he applied a basic principle to his bid, which is that the board are beholden to the shareholders. This is why they voted unanimously to accept Musk's $44 billion offer.

Predictably, the Left are having conniptions because they fear the freedom of speech Musk would introduce to the platform. It is alarming to watch Leftists melting down over what should be a straightforward liberty. I think some people in the democratic West might be happier living in China or North Korea.

Of course, what spooks the horses for the Left is not that folk will be free to speak their minds, but that they will wriggle free of the constrictions they would like to place on anyone who disagrees with them. Control, power, coercion. These people are practically Stalinists.

Musk has also announced his intention to get rid of fake accounts and bots, in other words to clean house. This type of healthy approach to business should be emulated, not criticised. Twitter is a huge concern, and if Musk can put it in order then it will be a victory both for free speech and for business efficiency. So many businesses are sloppy, and Musk clearly has no time for that. Perhaps he should be put in charge of the Federal Reserve.

He has also made an interesting prediction, that there will be a financial collapse lasting up to 18 months, and that far from being a disaster, this is both necessary and will be a good thing. Partly this is because companies who use resources inefficiently will go to the wall, but a financial meltdown will also reform the absurd welfare systems that exists across the West.

Musk was a hero to the Left all the time he was producing electric vehicles. Now, he is a threat, and you will see the media - mostly Leftist shills - turn on him in the months to come.

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