We live in strange times which are, if anything, getting stranger. As if
technocratic charlatans had not caused enough mischief in the physical world,
now they have turned their attention to tinkering with its metaphysical counterpart.
An example.
The case of Hunter Biden’s laptop is known to all, and it must be the
most famous computer in history after the one invented in WW2 by Englishman
Alan Turing at Bletchley Park (where I have seen the original), and which was
used to crack Germany’s Enigma code. But something much stranger has happened concerning
Biden Junior’s laptop.
Realising that he must be seen to fight his corner in an increasingly
difficult situation, the younger Biden has hired a legal team to take the fight
to his enemies. I imagine their fees would take a fairly large computer to
tally up. But they have made a curious move. While denying the existence of the
laptop, or at least refusing to confirm or deny, they have nevertheless
demanded legal action be taken against those who disseminated the information
on the hard drive whether the PC existed or not.
This is an extraordinary cognitive move. The laptop doesn’t necessarily
exist or not exist, but an aggressive legal case must be prepared in case it
does. The device has gone from being a standard piece of domestic IT to being Schrödinger’s
But let’s move from political scandal to social justice, and the world
of transgenderism. Here, we move from the realm of speculative quantum
mechanics to the more familiar territory of old-time religion. A Scottish governmental
bill has just been blocked by the UK government. The bill would have allowed
children as young as 16 to be legally recognised as the opposite gender to
their biological identity simply by self-identifying as such. This is no mere
woke idiocy, this is tinkering with epistemology itself. It is not gender that
is being subverted, it is the truth of gender.
Governmental policy across Europe is moving into alignment. If a man
elects to be known as a woman, not only must you address this person with
approved pronouns, they can also compete at high levels in women’s sports,
adopt children under registration as a woman, and use women’s private spaces
such as toilets, showers, dormitories and prisons.
These people are not legally recognized as posing as a woman or acting
out a role as a woman, they are legally recognized as a woman. To state
that men cannot menstruate or become pregnant is no longer a truism. It could
cost your job.
This is, of course, a very modern, Sodom and Gomorrah reboot of
transubstantiation, the Catholic element of High Mass whereby the wine and
wafer of Holy Communion are not seen as symbolic of the body and blood of
Christ, but literally so.
Who would have thought the excesses of Catholicism could have been
bested by drag queens and rapists who don’t much like the idea of going to a
male prison? I suppose we should be grateful they are not burning heretics under
the terms of the new religion, at least not yet.
A mad world, my masters.
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