Wednesday 7 June 2023




Has there been another time in history when the majority of Western governments were at war with their own people? It is a sobering thought that the administrations voted in across the West have made it a priority to introduce a hybrid of Samuel T Francis’ ‘anarcho-tyranny’, by which the government allows and incentivizes crime but uses its police to intimidate non-criminals, and Yuri Bezmenov’s patient exposition of a four-part program designed to subvert a country from within.

Almost everything government does in the UK, for example, is to inconvenience, coerce, and humiliate white English people. From immigration to foreign aid payments, pride month(s) to race quotas in the public sector, the sanctioning of DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Government) scores which companies must attain, men in women’s toilets, changing rooms, prisons and sports, the regulation of the household, the egregious taxing of car owners in the name of a mythical climate emergency – all of these things are not intended to implement good governance advantageous to the greatest number, but to destabilise, confuse, needlessly punish, demoralise, and coerce white people, particularly white men, particularly straight white men.

Many on the political Right refuse to consider the problem of white targeting and the great replacement. There is a bright line that conservatives who do not subscribe to race realism will not, cannot, cross. The Left fear pack rejection, which is savage and hyper-punitive, while conservatives are just meek, and don’t wish to be disapproved of. The boosting of blacks in the West in the face of such things as examination scores, aptitude tests, social communitarianism, disproportionate tendency to crime, and black street culture, is not designed to be in any way advantageous to blacks, about whom white liberals care little. The whole program is designed to belittle the straight white man.

One of Karl Marx’s insights was that it was at least theoretically possible that any politico-social movement will contain within it the seeds of its own destruction, the rope with which it will hang itself, the stress fracture which will widen and split. Unfettered immigration is clearly the hubris of the West, and governments can’t get enough of it once they see the state of alarm into which it puts its hated people.

The political class despise ordinary folk because those folk elected not to work towards a ticket of passage on the greatest gravy train under the sun and they did. There are a few honest brokers among the Western political class, but they are out-manoeuvered and out-shone by the chancers who made it up the greasy pole. The modern political class share a sort of hive-personality, a quasi-autistic, non-empathic, conscience-free thespianism by which they fit perfectly into their class at the same time as they convince the public that they are putting them first.

The people have proven weak in their voting patterns, with notable exceptions such as Italy, Hungary and Poland. France and Spain are beginning to wise up. But Britain has no Georgia Meloni, Viktor Orbán, or Marine Le Pen. And so, for the government of Rishi Sunak – who is an exemplar of my description above – all the battles are easy to win, which means the war is too.

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