Tuesday, 14 February 2023


S = kb 1n

The formula for entropy.

Don't worry if you don't understand it.

It makes for a fetching tattoo.

Entropy has several coeval definitions. It is a regulatory term concerning thermodynamic units, but its other descriptions can be collated as a tendency of systems to move towards rather than away from disorder. It is a universal. A building decays, but so too does a planetary orbit. Entropy has expanded its brief in recent times, having been extrapolated from thermodynamics to be applicable to information, culture, and even societal structures. And it is the latter which is, as the much-misunderstood saying goes, the exception that proves the rule.

Given the right conditions – ethnicity, geography, technical expertise as an amalgam of these two givens, good governance – communities can actually move away from their entropic destinations and become better entities. This tends to have happened to Caucasian and Oriental communities rather than Islamic or African equivalents, who have proved less capable than their white and Asiatic counterparts.

Given this disparity, which is the result of a natural hierarchy no amount of social engineering can ever tinker with, the white Western elites have decided to rig the game so that the least capable become the most advantaged. The following are the ways in which the world’s governors now wish to punish whites and Asiatics for being success victims, and the reasons for which they wish to hobble those civilization-builders, and so induce entropy:

IQ disparity. The average IQ of a German is 100. Of a Somalian, 69. Of a Collie dog, 49. Choose your potential employee, bearing in mind the duties to be performed. It does not pay to be smart now, if you want a job.

Immigration. When a society and its component communities have shown the ability to last for centuries through adversity, cripple them with the importation of negative social capital, Muslims and blacks being the best ways to destroy a successful indigenous Caucasian community. This has happened to Sweden – 20% increase in population in 7 years due to Muslim immigration and now the rape and bombing capital of Europe – and is now being planned for Ireland – 20% increase in population, all projected to be Muslim, planned for the next year.

Miscegenation. Don’t let whites breed. Disincentivise them financially and reinforce this with cultural semiotics. When was the last time you saw a TV ad without a black in it, and how pathetic were the whites in the same ad?

Replace white indigenous history with a wholly false black narrative. There have been claims made by the BBC that there were black Romans in Britain, black Tudors, and many black inventors throughout history. This is almost wholly false. Blacks have added little or nothing to history except urban strife and, now, self-righteous race-hustling. Occasionally, they have been good at the trumpet.

This is all induced entropy. Whites have been phenomenally successful when allowed to express their genotype as an uninterrupted phenotype. The elites wish to end this, and they realise that the way to do this is with promotion of the black genotype.

This will not end well, and there will be blood.

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