Sunday 5 March 2023



Matt Hancock was notoriously the UK Government’s Health Secretary during the Covid pandemic, which has been nick-named in some quarters as a ‘plandemic’. After working with Hancock on his account of the period of lockdown and vaccination, journalist Isabel Oakeshott has just released tens of thousands of messages between Hancock and his colleagues on WhatsApp – which is apparently where government policy is now enacted rather than the more traditional bicameral stages of debate and discussion – to The Daily Telegraph. Oakeshott has chosen shrewdly. The Telegraph used to be conservative – it was once dubbed the Torygraph – and exactly the same can now be said of the Conservative Party.

Within the media bubble of the British press, fighting has broken out. Some journalists have questioned Oakeshott’s journalistic integrity (which sounds like an oxymoron to me) while others have praised her for acting in the interest of the British people, or the ‘public interest’, as it is traditionally known. Information released and deemed as ‘in the public interest’ always unnerves politicians because it is a certainty that it is information they wanted to keep from the public at all costs.

Two points are of interest. Firstly, the Leftist media – aka. The media – in Britain have started a classic deflection campaign, attacking Oakeshott over the fact she will have released the messages for money. She is a working journalist, what would anyone expect? That she works pro bono? The odious Cathy Newman works for Times Radio and was famously humiliated by Dr. Jordan Peterson. The only interview with Oakeshott – and I watched many of them -  that she hung up on was with Newman, and is instructive. The likes of the BBC and C4 are less concerned with the fact that the government lied to its people, and wanted to ‘scare the pants off them’ with a new variant, than they are with the fact that someone has exposed the lockdown for what it was. Western governments are desperate for more control over an increasingly troublesome populace, and the media are their provisional wing.

But what is more interesting is that Hancock is exemplary of the new political class. All anecdotal evidence indicates that Hancock was less concerned with ruined businesses, mental illness in children along with the stunting of their education, the vulnerable, care homes, and the rest of the tawdry inventory of governmental neglect, and far more interested in the fact that Covid might propel him further up the career ladder.

The new political class, across the West, is a new variant in and of itself, but it is a personality variant. Hancock is a type of AI, but the hardware is cellular and biological. The phenotype is quasi-autistic, lacking in conscience, and addicted to deception and subterfuge. We can only shudder to think what the genotype might be.

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