Sunday 4 June 2023

Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know redux.


Well, it is time to dust off this weblog. Maintaining a weblog is a good exercise for the writer. It is the equivalent of tennis players 'hitting' before a game, to get their muscles warmed up and in gear.

We have fulfilled the ancient Chinese exhortation - we live in interesting times. Mass migration is accelerating across Europe and America. The effects are congruent but not identical. In the States, migrants are mostly Latinos and therefore Catholic. Their being imported as a reliable voting bloc may well backfire on the Democrats, as Latinos tend to favour God and family over drag queens and incentivised one-parent families. Also arriving, of course, is Fentanyl, which is beginning to look like 4G warfare on the part of the Chinese. The border-town Americans - and sanctuary cities who are on a bus route - also have gang and cartel members to look forward to.

In Europe, the arrivistes are Muslims, which means three things. Firstly, a vast majority will be inimical to their eventual host nation and its people. Death at worst and utter disrespect at best toward the kufr is hard-wired into the Koran. Secondly, importing Islam is not importing one monolithic bloc. Islam is fiercely sectarian, and they will bring their internecine civil strife with them. Finally, Britain in particular is importing a whole Albanian crime cadre, notoriously violent and dealing in narcotics and prostitution.

I don't like to be 'amockalyptic' (TM Julie Burchill), but I do seem to see the Tiber foaming with much blood.

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