Monday, 19 June 2023




Every now and then someone on the political Right starts whimpering about uniting the right. There are several reasons why this will never happen.

Firstly, the Right is too sectarian. The Left is fragmenting, certainly, but they only differ in the way different mentally handicapped people differ by virtue of variations in the presentation of clinical symptoms. Ultimately, they march in ideological lockstep, which is something the Right are not equipped to do.

Secondly, too much energy on the Right is expended on the wrong causes. Dissident Right-wing commentary should be comprehensive, interrogating the various cracks and fault lines in our current socialist society. Instead, for many on the Right, it means an unswerving, monomaniacal, and unhealthy obsession with Jewry. This is not something that interests me – and things either interest me or they don’t – but, boy, does it interest a lot of people on the far Right. If the Jews run the world and have done for centuries, what does that imply? That they won, or are at least winning, and the talking dolls who find the hook-nosed Hebe everywhere they look lost, or are at least losing. There is no point in fucking whining about it.

Taking the Right as a whole spectrum, from liberal conservatives right out to race realists and white separatists, there is a schism. Right-of-centre magazines and political parties simply will not converse with or acknowledge the existence of far-Right commentary. Write for a ‘white nationalist’ magazine – or one that has been deemed such by the SPLC or ADL – and you can forget about writing for the MSM, or even the squeamish Right-of-centre publications. They will not touch you – they certainly won't touch me – with a long pole. Curiously, though, for all the political and media condemnation, those of us who write for publications allocated the ‘far right’ symbol in the modern media camps are freer than MSM hacks. It is not easy to imagine a keen young writer on any of Britain’s major newspapers pitching a feature to her editor on black crime rates or the disruption caused to rural communities by the sudden arrival of hundreds of undocumented males in their towns and villages. Not only would the reporter be incredulously turned down, but she would go on some kind of watchlist.

I don’t pretend to understand the rules of American Football, but I do grasp the concept that each player has a specific role and not really any other. If the players fulfil those roles to their best ability, and different players and thus roles interact efficiently, the team prospers. He can’t be in our club because he said something charitable about blacks. He can’t, because He said something charitable about Jews. He can’t because he is a Jew, or was once photographed talking to one. But, on the other side of a big tent divided by an impenetrable steel wall, there are those who are of the Right who won’t talk to a race realist, or a counter-jihadist, or someone who thinks trans women are mentally ill freaks. All of those viewpoints should be available for airing in any Right-wing environment. They are not.

The Left are winning and will only grow stronger. The Right will continue to squabble like grackles in a cornfield. If you don’t co-operate, you will continue to lose, and if we don’t all hang together, well, you know the rest.

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