Monday, 27 February 2023



The new face of white supremacy

 Dilbert is a cartoon character whose strip has run for 35 years, satirising life in an office environment. Not today, however, and possibly not ever again. The cartoon’s creator, Scott Adams, has become the latest heretic to be burnt at the metaphorical stake by the black inquisition and their white liberal enablers, and his goofy little cartoon characters are being run out of media-town.

Adams runs some kind of livestream podcast, and was giving his opinions on a Rasmussen poll on racism. The two main questions on which Adams focussed were, ‘Is it okay to be white?’, and ‘Can blacks be racist?’ The establishment media’s take on the story can be found here.

Apart from suggesting that the black response to these poll questions defines them as a hate group, Adams also said something which has not only been predicted by some – myself included – for several years, but is actually happening, and that is that white people should stay away from black people. This seems to be what the latter wants, and we should grant ethnic minorities their every wish, as you know.

The white man’s dilemma now is that if he moves from a rural area to an urban one, then he is guilty of gentrification. If he makes the reverse journey – as many whites are doing – then he is guilty of white flight. An inescapable social datum states that the blacker the area, the higher the crime rate, and the prevalence of Democrat mayors, Soros-backed DAs, police chiefs and the rest of the managerial apparatus supposed to protect its people are both driven by racial animus and utterly and malevolently incompetent. Adams is right, not just emotively right but pragmatically right.

Right on cue, Elon Musk rode into town to defend Adams. Musk is, I suspect, enjoying his new position as the world’s richest troll, and his comments on the social media platform he owns further enraged the Leftist Praetorian guard who protect black interests the more to further their own.

The civil war 2.0 has been coming for some time in the USA, but this time it won’t be necessary for the adversaries to wear blue or grey uniforms. Their skin colour will show you their sectarian allegiance, and Adams is simply the latest to point out the inevitability of this clash, which is already taking place. He also voiced his opinion as to how sickening it is to see, every day, video footage on social media showing white people being beaten, often savagely, by feral blacks.

Like two other heretics, Dave Chappelle and J K Rowling, Adams is rich enough to be able to take the hit. You can cancel a celebrity for going off-script when talking about sainted ethnic minorities, but you can’t cancel their bank account. At least, not yet.

Sunday, 26 February 2023

Chinese word of the day


The only Chinese word you will need to fight the culture war

Chinese netizens have a slang word to describe what we here in the West would call social-justice warriors, libtards, and limousine liberals. The term is baizuo, which translates as “white left.” According to Chinese writer Chenchen Zhang, the word unpacks in exactly the same way as a white Western dissident would understand his enemy.

According to Zhang, and although the emphasis varies, “baizuo” is used generally to describe those who “only care about topics such as immigration, minorities, LGBT and the environment” and “have no sense of real problems in the real world”. They are hypocritical humanitarians who advocate for peace and equality only to “satisfy their own feeling of moral superiority”. They are “obsessed with political correctness” to the extent that they “tolerate backwards Islamic values for the sake of multiculturalism”. They believe in the welfare state that “benefits only the idle and the free riders”. They are the “ignorant and arrogant westerners” who “pity the rest of the world and think they are saviours”.

Zhang says that the first Western figure to be smeared as a baizuo was the childless Angela Merkel. He says a companion term to baizuo is shengmu—which translates as “holy mother” and refers to people who “have too much empathy.” The best Western synonym for shengmu would be “special snowflake.”

This may offer a clue as to why China is gearing up to defeat the West culturally rather than militarily.

Saturday, 25 February 2023



This column was originally published at Counter Currents.






Out, damn’d Scot!


So, it’s fare thee well to dime-store Lady Macbeth, Nicola Sturgeon. The Scottish premier, and the woman Nigel Farage called the most unpleasant politician he had ever met, quit after an uproar, which is what journalists reading tweets and sensing a story is called just at the moment. It seems that promoting legislation that means 16-year-old kids – never the most emotionally stable class of humans – could decide to swap genders as easily as they switch phone providers didn’t go down too well with the average Scot. The Scottish premier – they are called ‘First Ministers’ in Jockland - resigned, opening the way for a leadership challenge which includes an even more odious human being, Humza Yusaf, a Muslim who is on record as disliking his white colleagues based on their skin color.

Sturgeon was not the only pushy broad with a connection with England to quit as national premier in February. New Zealand’s toothy dominatrix Jacinda Ardern also threw in the towel before the towel was thrown at her. She is the woman who told her people that the government “should be the only source of truth”. You should have thought that, sweetheart, not said it.

Hopefully, and keeping it in the Commonwealth, the third pretty maid all in a row to go will be foppish Canadian charlatan Justin Trudeau. He recently commissioned a rigged enquiry about the treatment meted out to Canadian truckers who dared question the new globalist order. Oh, and not just the truckers, but people who gave money to their cause, some of whom had their bank accounts frozen. I have liked the Canadians I have met here, but their voting for this mountebank twice does make you question their cognitive abilities. Perhaps Pierre Poilievre, leader of the Canadian opposition, might restore an unwoke Canada to some kind of respect on the world stage before Canadians start wearing dresses, or hinting that they might like to, as in Monty Python’s famous Lumberjack Song.

It would be nice to see Trudeau retire into private life, the better to ponder whether his dad was Fidel Castro or Mick Jagger.


15-minute inner-city blues

You have to hand it to the globalists, they are not short of ideas designed to curtail the freedom of ordinary people. The latest wheeze of the World Economic Forum is about to be road-tested in one of the world’s most famous university cities, Oxford. The concept has become known as the “15-minute city”, the idea being that the city is divided into sections and everyone should have all the resources they need within a 15-minute radius. You can only make a specified number of car journeys outside your patch a year before a system of fines kicks in. It sounds quite reasonable, particularly as people have become lazier. In fact, the idea resembles a series of expanded prison exercise yards.

The over-arching governmental reason for this herding operation, planned for people and not cattle, is of course the green agenda, flown in like a new stage-set when the Covid show finished its run. Governments know that you have to keep the pressure on the little people. The idea is that car journeys will be curtailed, thus helping to save the apparently beleaguered planet. Actually, I am equipped to be objective about this as I don’t drive, never have, and find cars dangerous, noisy and dirty, as well as turning some people into maniacs. But I do appreciate that, in a country as spacious as the USA, and with a railway system that needs a John Galt in charge rather than a Pete Buttigieg, cars are a necessary evil where their diminution might not matter so much in Britain. It is possible to cycle from John O’Groats at the northern tip of Scotland to Land’s End in Cornwall – the traditional longest distance traversable in the UK – in 14 days. Ten if you are super-fit. It’s a very small island.

But, of course, environmental concern is a classic distraction to hide an ulterior motive, and talk of “climate lockdowns” has led to protests and demonstrations in Oxford and elsewhere in the UK. There is a certain sense of the worm turning just at the moment in Britain.

The green side of the argument features the usual hysteria about conspiracy theorists who disagree with their creeping totalitarianism, and a good example is here. The MSM is onboard, as they are with any version of the “current thing”, but it may well be that the natives are becoming restless.


Find the lady

The case of Nicola Bulley is particularly distressing, and not just on a human level. Ms. Bulley went missing at the end of January while walking her dog by the River Wyre in Lancashire in the north of England. For the next three weeks, the police dragged the river, a private team of dredging experts was brought in, and even locals went out with torches looking for the missing woman. Nothing. Until a dog-walker found a body by a stretch of river the police and the experts claimed to have scoured. Last Sunday, the body was confirmed as that of Ms. Bulley.

I am not sure which is more upsetting, the sad death of Nicola Bulley, the incompetence of the police, or the callous tone of some of the journalism about the case, some of which seemed more concerned with social media abuse which might be aimed at those connected with investigations.

Also, an unnecessary amount of attention was paid to Ms. Bulley’s personal problems. Allegedly, Nicola suffered from depression and had problems with alcohol brought on her by her menopause. Mental health issues and alcoholism are two grievous afflictions that have nothing like the level of governmental, social service, and media support and approval that drag-queen story hour in primary schools has.

Perhaps the most touching thing about the whole sad affair is that the public raised £10,000 to cover the cost of Nicola’s funeral. This is the only ray of light in what is otherwise a tragedy reflecting on many areas of incompetence and callousness in British society.


The black wives of Henry VIII

The blackening of British history continues apace. Now, strictly speaking this is an American story, but as Union Jackal I decree that I am able to cover it both because it concerns one of Britain’s most famous kings, and also because America was a former British colony we let you have because you were more trouble than you were worth. No free-born Englishman would throw tea into water that wasn’t boiling hot. You deserve Biden and everything else just for that insult.

Six – which refers to the famous six wives of Henry VIII - is a musical off Broadway and heading for the ‘burbs, last spotted in Columbus, Ohio. I’m surprised they haven’t had to change the name of the town, incidentally, as white liberals get into a bit of a tizzy about Christopher Columbus, what with the audacity he showed by discovering much of the New World and allowing it to become at least part-way civilized. Funny how Columbus doesn’t seem to bother the people who actually live in those countries, in one of which I am sitting writing this, and whose national currency is the Colón. This is not a medical term in Spanish, but rather the Latin American name for Columbus. But I digress.

Apart from being described by the doughty Columbus Dispatch as taking “a fresh, feminist look at British history”, a description one can only shake one’s head at in despair before passing on, the photo of the cast shows three of Henry’s half-dozen wives as clearly black, and two more of dusky hue. This is becoming a constant with British history as portrayed dramatically, which is increasingly resembling one long minstrel show. I have written on the subject here.

Henry VIII no more had a black spouse than he wrote Greensleeves, another popular myth about Britain’s stoutest king. He did have an eye for the ladies, however, and generally had his way with them. And if you can cut your wife’s head off, or at least sub-contract the work out to an expert, I imagine you don’t get nagged all that often. And you have to admit that he did impress the girls. “Wow, she’s hot. How can I make her notice me? I know, I’ll close all the monasteries”. Chicks love all that.


Sir Oswald Knowsley

Knowsley is an area of Liverpool, and possibly one of the most Left-wing areas of what is probably Britain’s most Left-wing city. Why, then, are some of its residents being labelled “far Right”? Gentle reader, they committed the new cardinal sin of being concerned about immigration.

The use of the term “far-Right” has followed exactly the same trajectory Orwell describes in Politics and the English Language with reference to the word “fascism”. It doesn’t mean anything over and above what the person using it doesn’t like. The new “far Right” in Knowsley seem to object to Muslim illegal immigrants propositioning their young daughters on the latter’s way home from school.

This Channel 4 report is representative of the instantaneous smearing of anyone going against the pro-immigrant narrative. It is irresponsible and shoddy journalism as it ignores two key elements of the so-called “Knowsley immigration riots”.

Firstly, a video taken by a young girl of her being propositioned by a cross-channel migrant. It starts at about 52 seconds. Locals have said that this is far from an isolated incident. Secondly, the riot and the escalation of violence and subsequent were almost certainly exacerbated by what seems to be a British chapter of Antifa. This is explained – although the term “Antifa” is not used – in the Merseyside police report on the incident. An “anti-fascist” gathering had been arranged on social media at the Suites Hotel, Knowsley - the scene of the protest – and that is what turned it into a riot. From the report;

“[A] number of people, who were not part of the original protest group, turned up, and it clear they were only interested in trouble through violence and intimidation…”

So, there we have it. Concerned parents who turn up are deemed to be fascists because a group of anti-fascists turned up and caused trouble.


A mad world, my masters.


The Union Jackal.

Wednesday, 15 February 2023



Is Lee Anderson prepared to fight for conservative values?


The steady revival of Conservatism in Europe has not yet reached Britain’s sleepy shores. Italy now has firebrand – and the country’s first female – Prime Minister, Georgia Meloni. Her party’s name is taken from the first line of the Italian national anthem and her motto is ‘God, family, country’. Hungary has the bullish Viktor Orbán in charge, a man who has offered tax breaks for native Hungarians who have more children, won’t take in non-Ukrainian refugees, and is vocally opposed to anything ‘woke’ in the classroom. Jimmy Åkesson of the Sweden Democrats and Marine Le Pen, leader of France’s opposition party, Front National, both see the danger posed by the steady Islamisation of their countries. A welcome move to the political Right is taking place in Europe. Meanwhile, in the United Kingdom…

Last year, Britain had three Prime Ministers in seven weeks, and the ruling Conservative Party are conservative in name only, adhering as they do to a high-tax-and spend, neo-Socialist agenda. They are also in turmoil, resigned to losing the next general election even though that is over 18 months away. The Prime Minister is a Hindu who used to work for Goldman-Sachs and has a personal fortune twice that of King Charles III. The government has no intention of stopping illegal immigration, is firmly opposed to Brexit (which still hasn’t happened de facto despite the British people voting in favour of it almost seven years ago), has not lifted nothing but a tokenistic finger against woke ideology and has produced the strange state of affairs whereby if you want to find a conservative, the last place you would bother looking is in the Conservative Party. With one possible exception.

Lee Anderson is the Member of Parliament (MP) for Ashfield in Nottinghamshire. Once a Labour Party worker, he ‘crossed the floor’, as the English say, and defected to the Tories. There, he won his hometown seat at the next election. This in itself indicates loyalty and authenticity, as many MPs are ‘flown in’ to win safe seats in areas they have quite possibly never visited.

Anderson will be fiercely resisted by the political class as he is in it but not of it. An ex-miner from a coal-mining family, he has not gone through the approved rites of passage for the UK’s political class: PPE (Philosophy, Politics and Economics) at Oxford, the media, PR, banking and the law are the accepted apprenticeships for top-level political appointment.

Anderson is a fairly straightforward conservative with family and social values that are contemptuous of political bandwagons and fads. As a direct result of these views – heretical in the current toxic political atmosphere – the media have attacked him at every opportunity. You can gauge quite accurately how conservative a public figure is by how ferociously the media attack him or her. He believes in immediate repatriation for illegal immigrants, that food banks are neing abused by nurses who can afford their owen meals, and the death penalty. There is officially, in Westminster, a cat among the pigeons.

Anderson may not be the white knight who saves the Conservative Party, but his increasing profile may have a range of effects on his fellow Tories. Someone needs to galvanize a party which, in electoral terms, is a dead man walking.


Tuesday, 14 February 2023


S = kb 1n

The formula for entropy.

Don't worry if you don't understand it.

It makes for a fetching tattoo.

Entropy has several coeval definitions. It is a regulatory term concerning thermodynamic units, but its other descriptions can be collated as a tendency of systems to move towards rather than away from disorder. It is a universal. A building decays, but so too does a planetary orbit. Entropy has expanded its brief in recent times, having been extrapolated from thermodynamics to be applicable to information, culture, and even societal structures. And it is the latter which is, as the much-misunderstood saying goes, the exception that proves the rule.

Given the right conditions – ethnicity, geography, technical expertise as an amalgam of these two givens, good governance – communities can actually move away from their entropic destinations and become better entities. This tends to have happened to Caucasian and Oriental communities rather than Islamic or African equivalents, who have proved less capable than their white and Asiatic counterparts.

Given this disparity, which is the result of a natural hierarchy no amount of social engineering can ever tinker with, the white Western elites have decided to rig the game so that the least capable become the most advantaged. The following are the ways in which the world’s governors now wish to punish whites and Asiatics for being success victims, and the reasons for which they wish to hobble those civilization-builders, and so induce entropy:

IQ disparity. The average IQ of a German is 100. Of a Somalian, 69. Of a Collie dog, 49. Choose your potential employee, bearing in mind the duties to be performed. It does not pay to be smart now, if you want a job.

Immigration. When a society and its component communities have shown the ability to last for centuries through adversity, cripple them with the importation of negative social capital, Muslims and blacks being the best ways to destroy a successful indigenous Caucasian community. This has happened to Sweden – 20% increase in population in 7 years due to Muslim immigration and now the rape and bombing capital of Europe – and is now being planned for Ireland – 20% increase in population, all projected to be Muslim, planned for the next year.

Miscegenation. Don’t let whites breed. Disincentivise them financially and reinforce this with cultural semiotics. When was the last time you saw a TV ad without a black in it, and how pathetic were the whites in the same ad?

Replace white indigenous history with a wholly false black narrative. There have been claims made by the BBC that there were black Romans in Britain, black Tudors, and many black inventors throughout history. This is almost wholly false. Blacks have added little or nothing to history except urban strife and, now, self-righteous race-hustling. Occasionally, they have been good at the trumpet.

This is all induced entropy. Whites have been phenomenally successful when allowed to express their genotype as an uninterrupted phenotype. The elites wish to end this, and they realise that the way to do this is with promotion of the black genotype.

This will not end well, and there will be blood.

Monday, 13 February 2023


Alaska, earlier today


The Western media is much like a stage magician. One hand waves around in the air to distract the audience while the other secretes or produces coin or card, unseen by that same distracted audience. To draw the Western public away from paying much mind to the genuine and rapidly approaching catastrophes of creeping inflation, impending economic collapse, uncontrolled immigration, soft totalitarianism and whatever the World Economic Forum has cooked up this week on its undersea island of evil, media consumers are tossed baubles and trinkets to keep their eyes off the main events. Harry and Meghan. What happened at the Grammys. What a basketball player said about race. Anything but the real world, plebs. Meanwhile, the world turns, the real one, not the one manufactured by the media-industrial complex in the same way you might assemble a flat-pack bed from a Swedish store.

The latest series of events intended to distract and divert the public is the supposed shooting down of ‘UFOs’ in American/Canadian airspace. I am sure you have seen and perhaps followed the story, and here is the range of potential conclusions I can see:

·        These UFOs were more Chinese spy balloons, and the Biden administration is giving the impression that they won’t take any more incursive espionage from the CCP.\, even thought they let the first one fly the breadth of the country.

·        These UFOs were alien in origin, and the USAF decided it would be a good idea to disregard any potential threat from people who have already worked out how to travel across galaxies and shoot them out of the sky. What could go wrong?

·        These UFOs never existed, and the false narrative is intended to reinforce whichever one of the two above media consumers believe.

The key element in all this is that the government of the USA is not hiding anything, but it is making the idea that it is hiding something the lead story. Biden is another stage-magician trick, it’s not him. The idea that he is the leader of the free world is equivalent to believing that Mickey Mouse is the CEO of DisneyWorld just because he is its leading symbol. Like Mickey, Biden is just a costume with someone inside.

What the US deep state is saying to the public is that they can spin any old yarn, and if it appeals to the comic-book, sci-fi generation, they might get away with it. That’s why they have described two of the downed objects as ‘cylindrical steel object’ and ‘the size of a small car’. Wow, honey. They sure don’t sound like no Chinese spy balloons. Must be them aliens.

The only aliens in the West, and in particular in the US, are among the political and ruling elites. They are quasi-autistic, lacking any vestige of amygdala, godless game-players who have become bored with the old toys and want a new one; the world. They treat the public like children, and they know that one thing children like is a good story.




Sunday, 12 February 2023



"I just broke epistemology!"

We live in strange times which are, if anything, getting stranger. As if technocratic charlatans had not caused enough mischief in the physical world, now they have turned their attention to tinkering with its metaphysical counterpart. An example.

The case of Hunter Biden’s laptop is known to all, and it must be the most famous computer in history after the one invented in WW2 by Englishman Alan Turing at Bletchley Park (where I have seen the original), and which was used to crack Germany’s Enigma code. But something much stranger has happened concerning Biden Junior’s laptop.

Realising that he must be seen to fight his corner in an increasingly difficult situation, the younger Biden has hired a legal team to take the fight to his enemies. I imagine their fees would take a fairly large computer to tally up. But they have made a curious move. While denying the existence of the laptop, or at least refusing to confirm or deny, they have nevertheless demanded legal action be taken against those who disseminated the information on the hard drive whether the PC existed or not.

This is an extraordinary cognitive move. The laptop doesn’t necessarily exist or not exist, but an aggressive legal case must be prepared in case it does. The device has gone from being a standard piece of domestic IT to being Schrödinger’s laptop.

But let’s move from political scandal to social justice, and the world of transgenderism. Here, we move from the realm of speculative quantum mechanics to the more familiar territory of old-time religion. A Scottish governmental bill has just been blocked by the UK government. The bill would have allowed children as young as 16 to be legally recognised as the opposite gender to their biological identity simply by self-identifying as such. This is no mere woke idiocy, this is tinkering with epistemology itself. It is not gender that is being subverted, it is the truth of gender.

Governmental policy across Europe is moving into alignment. If a man elects to be known as a woman, not only must you address this person with approved pronouns, they can also compete at high levels in women’s sports, adopt children under registration as a woman, and use women’s private spaces such as toilets, showers, dormitories and prisons.

These people are not legally recognized as posing as a woman or acting out a role as a woman, they are legally recognized as a woman. To state that men cannot menstruate or become pregnant is no longer a truism. It could cost your job.

This is, of course, a very modern, Sodom and Gomorrah reboot of transubstantiation, the Catholic element of High Mass whereby the wine and wafer of Holy Communion are not seen as symbolic of the body and blood of Christ, but literally so.

Who would have thought the excesses of Catholicism could have been bested by drag queens and rapists who don’t much like the idea of going to a male prison? I suppose we should be grateful they are not burning heretics under the terms of the new religion, at least not yet.

A mad world, my masters.


Saturday, 11 February 2023



A mostly peaceful protest in Liverpool

John Major is widely recognized as one of the worst Prime Ministers Britain has ever had, but even a stopped clock is right twice a day. He once described the English as follows: Step on an Englishman’s foot, and he will apologise. Step on his foot again and he will apologise. Step on his foot a third time and he will knock you down. The English may have had their feet stepped on one time too many.

In the past year illegal immigration into the United Kingdom has received an accelerant from a combination of increasingly organized human traffickers and softball legislation from a British government who clearly have no interest in closing the borders. Immigrants crossing Europe are interested in settling in Sweden and Germany, both liberal self-hating countries with generous welfare systems. But Britain – and specifically England – is El Dorado for the self-respecting and undocumented illegal immigrant.

And for some time there has been a growing element of what can only be described as the goading of the British public (and EU populaces in general) by the British ruling class, who are becoming increasingly globalist and may wish to push the public in order to test limits, to see where dissidence and civil disobedience might mutate into violent revolution. To know, in other words, when to send in police and army and start locking up political prisoners. That flashpoint is getting closer.

On Friday night, in an area of Liverpool in England called Knowsley, a large group of men gathered outside one of what are becoming known as ‘migrant hotels’, requisitioned and purchased by the British government (using taxpayer money) and filled with immigrants from Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, and, increasingly, Albania. Although these men were present in response to an alleged assault of a local schoolgirl by one of the migrants – who are almost all fighting-age men – the demonstration was peaceful. For a while.

To read the media reports, ‘far-Right’ demonstrators became violent, hurling missiles and setting fire to a police van. The media in Britain is a Left-wing affair and obsessed with a demonic far-Right which does not exist. In fact, the demonstration was peaceful until Antifa turned up. At that point, the violence began. As noted, the media didn’t want anyone to know this, and you have to read the Merseyside police report to get anywhere near the truth, and even they won’t even whisper the name of the violent parties.

Look across the Irish Sea and you will find increasing anti-immigration – not anti-immigrant – demonstrations. Again, the government is trying to blame mythical ‘far-Right agitators’. Eventually, this will become a self-fulfilling prophecy, and there really will be a far-Right to give the UK media something to complain about.






Friday, 10 February 2023



Mark Steyn, earlier today

GB News and Project Veritas are very different concerns, but they have had something in common in the past week. They have both effectively fired their biggest names. This does not seem a sensible business model, but we are not in sensible times.

GB News is a British news organization across the usual media formats, and was a breath of the freshest air when it launched in the UK in 2021. I was almost certainly the first English journalist to cover their launch for American readers – you can read that here – but my hope for what was supposed to be the British equivalent of Fox News was sadly misplaced.

The news channel did not exactly fire the clubbable Canadian journalist Mark Steyn, but the two have parted company. It looks to me like a clear case of what British employment law calls ‘constructive dismissal’, which generally means that an employee that management wants disappeared has a litany of trumped-up offences apparently committed by the employee which should have been dealt with independently but are compounded into one big offence. It is not legal.

Steyn’s onscreen misdemeanors – mostly involving vaccine skepticism – attracted the attention of OFCOM, the British governmental organization which supposedly oversees impartiality among broadcasters. GB News, instead of coming to the rescue of their biggest ratings star, asked him to sign a new contract under the terms of which he would be personally responsible for any fines imposed by the regulator.

Now, apart from anything else, this directly contradicts the British legal principle of vicarious liability. This essentially means that if you get knocked down by a London bus driver who is still a little drunk from the night before, you don’t sue the bus driver. You sue the bus company. I would imagine that a similar statute exists in the USA, although I would imagine it would be at a state level rather than being federal. I would be interested to know, if anyone would like to add to the comments.

I have an excellent example of vicarious liability. In 2001 I was a journalist in England, and I was given a press trip, part of which was a cruise from Vancouver to Alaska. As a journalist, I got to meet the captain, and we got on well. I asked him, after we had watched whales in the Inside Passage, what happened when he took a holiday. He told me that he generally took his family to Mexico. I said, yes, but who captains the ship? He said, a captain of my choosing from the company. And, I said, God forbid, but what if the ship sinks or is involved in an accident? Then, he said, it’s my fault. I go to jail because I chose someone who went on to sink a ship. My ship. Even on a beach in Mexico, I’m still captain.

Steyn has now left GB News, but still has his own channel and various sidelines. He was the presenter who had the highest ratings on a struggling channel. But his effective dismissal is similar to the events at Project Veritas. This was started by a journalist called James O’Keefe. He figured recently in a sting operation.

O’Keefe interviewed an alleged Pfizer executive who had some pretty hair-raising things to say about company policy. He believed he was on a date with a journalist, and turned psychotic when he realized he has been on the wrong end of a sting. (Why do people fall for those, in this age of instant recording?)

O'Keefe has now been put on paid leave, apparently for reasons of mismanagement. I wonder. The tentacles of companies like Pfizer are long. Did you notice the Grammy awards, and the extraordinary performance by a creature called Sam Smith? If you were unfortunate enough to, did you notice who sponsored the Grammys? That’s right. Pfizer.

OFCOM. Pfizer. Two branches of the provisional wing of global government. And they may have proved that they will force companies such as GB News and Project Veritas to, as the English say, cut off their nose to spite their face. Steyn and O’Keefe are influencers, but not in a way of which the deep state approves. First they came for the content providers…



  Apologies to both my readers, but I am pretending to be busy. In case you didn't wander over from Counter Currents, here is a review o...